Clinically Controlled Canine Studies
To support efficacy claims, the following independent clinically-controlled studies have been carried out using DOG StreamZ Collars.

Carried out on 20 active flyball dogs
Independent study under clinical conditions.
Independent study by Writtle University.
This controlled study was carried out by Writtle University to investigate the effects of the StreamZ material within the DOG StreamZ smart collar in the elbow and stifle joint angles in dogs before, during and after wearing the collar for a 60-day period. Data was collected over twenty sporting dogs using anatomical body markers and analysed using industry leading Quintic biometrics technology.
“The results of this study support the benefits of StreamZ technology as an aid to improve mobility, showing an improvement in range of motion of between 6º and 11º. Impressively it was reported following the study that 25% of the study group saw an increase in their fly ball times.
Although this study provides significant evidence to support the competing and active dogs within the study, the data collected clearly shows the impact an increase in mobility could provide to all dogs of any age.”
Note; this study, although controlled under clinical conditions, was not peer-reviewed and as such does not represent ‘clinical proof’.
Download the complete paper here.